The real estate practice at Pino Elizalde Abogados adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating tax and banking expertise when assisting clients with the development of real estate projects. The team is also proficient in disputes, (including real estate expropriation proceedings), contractual negotiations, and municipal regulatory issues. Leading the practice group, name partner Daniel Pino also oversees the corporate and M&A department. Fellow partner Jaime Arosemena is a key contact for local and foreign clients seeking advice on a broad range of real estate matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Inmobiliaria Open House
  • Minutocorp
  • Camaronera Agromarina
  • Beverage Brand & Patents Company BBPC
  • Frutadeli
  • Jelmek Ecuador

Work highlights

  • Advised Open House Realty on the acquisition of the New Samborondon project.
  • Advised Minutocorp on the implementation of a contract with the government for adapting the Bicentenario Park.
  • Advised Beverage Brand & Patents Company BBPC S.A. on the regularisation of properties housing the company's corporate headquarters.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Daniel Pino