August Debouzy is retained to handle challenging and sensitive cases by leading companies, spanning various industries such as retail, defence, hospitality and energy, as well as by senior executives and individuals. The practice manages a solid caseload raising various criminal offences such as tax fraud, corruption or industrial pollution. The team is also regularly called upon to assist with the implementation of preventive measures and the conduct of internal investigations. The practice has also developed particular expertise regarding criminal human rights accusations linked in connection with conflicts and war zones. Astrid Mignon Colombet and Valérie Munoz-Pons are the two key members within the team. Also recommended is  Olivier Attias.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Very strong practice.'

  • ‘The team is exceptional. They are very professional, rigorous in their analysis, and sophisticated white collar practitioners.’

  • ‘Good technicians. Maitre Attias stands out for his accessibility, personal knowledge of his files, and humility.'

  • ‘Olivier Attias is close to his clients. He manages his files very well.'

  • ‘Astrid Mignon-Colombet is an excellent lawyer, professional, thoughtful and rigorous.'

  • ‘High reactivity.’

  • ‘The team is absolutely remarkable and is certainly one of the most efficient in the market. Very high professionalism, and a very keen sense of risk. The level of advice and trust between the lawyer and his client is also very high.’

Key clients

  • McKinsey & Company, Inc. France
  • Technip FMC
  • SNCF
  • Penelope Fillon
  • Guy Dauphin Environnement
  • Altéo

Work highlights

  • Representing McKinsey & Company in the context of two judicial investigations for illegal financing of an electoral campaign, corruption, and favoritism.
  • Advised Maîtres Laitiers du Cotententin, a dairy cooperative accused of water pollution in its negotiations with the public prosecutor of Cherbourg, the OFB and the DREAL.
  • Assisting SNCF in its defence before the Paris Correctional Court, regarding the indemnification of victims of the 14 November 2015 Eckwersheim train derailment.


Leading partners
The strongest partners in their field, leading on market-leading deals and endorsed by peers and clients alike.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Astrid Mignon Colombet, Valérie Munoz-Pons, Basile Ader

Other key lawyers

Olivier Attias