Osborne Clarke‘s team is well versed in cartel damages and also assists with merger control and investment control in the course of transactions. Clients stem from the healthcare, digital markets, automotive and energy sectors; the latter was recently strengthened with the addition of energy lawyer Anna von Bremen from Raue in August 2023, she is also well versed in regulatory matters. Thomas Funke comprehensively advises on cartel damages and jointly heads the team with Sebastian Hack (distribution antitrust law and cooperations in the areas of platforms, research and development).

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Technically strong, very pleasant to work with; Willingness to make partnership-based billing arrangements.'

  • 'Sebastian Hack: Sympathetic and calm, risks are well assessed and weighed, sees himself as part of the team.'

  • 'Practical, fast, authoritative and competent.'

  • 'Sebastian Hack's team positions itself in collaboration with in-house colleagues and gives clear recommendations.'

Key clients

  • Deutsche Bahn AG
  • Europäische Kommission
  • Snipes SE
  • Deutsche Windtechnik Gruppe
  • Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)
  • REWE Group
  • Taxfix AG
  • Verifort Capital Group GmbH

Work highlights

  • Representation of Deutsche Bahn AG in a Europe-wide cartel damage claim against Daimler, MAN, Iveco and the other participants in the truck cartel, which was punished with a fine by the European Commission.
  • Representation of the European Commission in a total of sixteen proceedings before the General Court of the European Union (ECJ), in which companies in the German energy industry challenged the Commission's merger control approvals for the E.ON/RWE asset swap; With eight judgments from May 17, 2023, the European Court of Justice confirmed the approvals for the transaction.
  • Comprehensive advice to Snipes SE on ongoing antitrust matters and antitrust compliance.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Thomas Funke, Sebastian Hack