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Rittershaus demonstrates expertise in the wind and photovoltaic energy sectors, where the team advises energy companies, project developers, investors and municipalities on transactions, tenancy law issues in connection with utility contracts as well as service contracts in the context of plant construction. Practice head Wolfgang Patzelt is a key contact for project-related construction law issues, including approval procedures and litigation.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Good experience in the energy sector, particularly transaction advice and licensing law for hydropower.'

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Key clients

  • EHG Energie Handel GmbH, Hannover
  • NEW erneuerbare energien GmbH
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Work highlights

  • Advising Renaio Infrastructure Fund SCA on the acquisition of two hydroelectric power plant packages consisting of seven operating companies and nine hydroelectric power plants in Italy from the insolvency administrator of Green City Energy Kraftwerkspark II GmbH & Co. KG and Green City Energy Kraftwerkspark III GmbH & Co. KG.
  • Advising a wind project developer on the first-time application of §45b BNatSchG before the Sigmaringen Administrative Court.
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