Boutique Dierks+Company focuses exclusively on the healthcare sector and covers various topics, including the advice on regulatory and data protection matters as well as the support in digitisation projects and market launch of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Most recently, the team led by Christian Dierks (pharmaceutical and medical device law) strengthened its expertise with the arrival of Dominik Roters (pharmaceutical law), who now co-heads the group with Dierks, in October 2023, as well as medical law expert Anja Tiedemann in April 2024 (both previously at the Federal Joint Committee G-BA) and former president of the Federal Social Court Rainer Schlegel in July 2024. Katrin Helle (regulatory law) moved to White & Case LLP in October 2023, while Ira Mießler (data protection) left the firm in November 2023 for a position at the Federal Ministry of Health.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
'The team is an outstanding example of interdisciplinary collaboration and visionary foresight. With an impressive combination of competence, expertise and passion, they are driving innovation in Germany.'
- 'The Dierks+Company team consists of highly qualified specialists who come from various relevant fields of knowledge. This diversity enables the team to bring a broad and deep expertise to their work. In addition to legal expertise, examples include knowledge from committees, associations and politics, which often determines a positive outcome with legal relevance in large projects.'