Investors and portfolio companies regularly instruct Greenberg Traurig Germany on mid-cap transactions. Here, the team advises on the entire PE value chain, including buy-outs and exits, all investments, management participations and buy-and-build strategies as well as cross-border support thanks to the international network. The PE practice acts integrated into the corporate group and, accordingly, is led by the two co-chairs of the German corporate group Peter Schorling and Henrik Armah as well as Nicolai Lagoni, who has experience in cross-border transactions, particularly in the pharmaceutical and life sciences, technology and real estate sectors.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Gridiron Capital
  • ATC Drivetrain
  • HR Infinity GmbH
  • numa group GmbH
  • Gilde Healthcare
  • NREP
  • Petrichor Healthcare Capital Management

Work highlights

  • Advising a portfolio company of Gridiron Capital on the cross-border bolt-on acquisition of Currex.
  • Advising the numa group on the multi-jurisdictional bolt-on acquisition of the online platform Yays from Proprium Capital.
  • Advising the Dutch private equity firm Gilde Healthcare in connection with the acquisition of Koscher & Würtz GmbH.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Peter Schorling, Nicolai Lagoni, Henrik Armah