Raue's expertise in media regulation and freedom of information is regularly applied in administrative proceedings, while constitutional law proceedings, particularly in the energy sector, represent another practice focus. Led by Wolfram Hertel, who has experience in procurement, planning and constitutional law, the team assists both private companies and public sector clients. Arne Dittloff (public media law, environmental and planning law) made associate partner in March 2024.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
'Christoph-David Munding: Outstanding administrative lawyer, excellent representation both out of court and in court, good instinct for the right litigation tactics, very good availability.'
'Christoph-David Munding: High level of expertise, reliability, good accessibility and cooperation.'
'The team is characterised by the fact that it works and reacts extremely quickly and reliably. The team's consistency is also a relief from the client's point of view because you don't have to start from scratch again.'
'The partner has outstanding experience in the field. Focus on legal advice - particularly with regard to prospects of success in litigation - but also a feel for more "political" contexts, in the sense of strategic aspects.'
'Functional, unobtrusive, competent – as you would expect from such a law firm.'
Key clients
- Bundeskanzleramt
- Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb)
- Danpower GmbH
- Goodyiels Capital
- Landwert Verwaltungs GmbH
- LichtBlick Solarpark Calbe UG
- Prolignis AG
- BEKW Bioenergiekraftwerk Emsland GmbH & Co. KG
- Junginger Naturenergie GmbH
- ADC GmbH
- Robert Koch-Institut
- Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe – Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts – BVG
- BSW Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.
- Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
- LichtBlick SE
- Continental AG
Work highlights
- Representation of the Federal Chancellery in fundamental proceedings concerning Gerhard Schr��der/Federal Chancellery.
- Representation of the Berlin-Brandenburg Media Authority (mabb) in five administrative court proceedings in connection with the prohibition of the broadcast and distribution of the Russian propaganda channel RT DE.
- Bundled constitutional complaints against the confiscation of surplus revenues from operators of plants generating electricity from renewable energies.