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Dolde Mayen & Partner's broad environmental and planning practice is a recognised market player and provides comprehensive advice to large DAX companies and numerous public sector players on large construction and planning projects, environmental litigation, approval procedures and environmental due diligence. The team has particular expertise in emissions control, energy and soil protection law, with practice heads Markus Deutsch and Winfried Porsch regularly assisting with large transport and industrial planning projects. Klaus-Peter Dolde has in-depth expertise in waste and aviation law, while Bernd Schieferdecker oversees large network and energy projects and is also a recognised expert for water law issues.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Klaus-Peter Dolde: As one of the leading and influential minds in environmental law with a comprehensive understanding, he receives excellent support from colleagues on related legal issues. As a client, a very comfortable situation. '

  • 'Klaus-Peter Dolde: Has a very quick grasp and a keen sense of economic but also political relevance of topics as well as concrete suggestions for dealing with them. The highest level of intellectual and argumentative precision comes together with outstanding legal knowledge and extensive experience in administrative law procedures and in courts. Markus Deutsch is also an intimate expert in all aspects of aviation issues relating to planning approvals and operating licenses.'

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Key clients

  • Airbus Operations GmbH
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Work highlights

  • Advising Stadtwerke München GmbH on public law issues in connection with the 2nd S-Bahn main line project and provision for the U 9 at Munich Central.
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