Combined with adjacent capacities in public procurement and antitrust law, Chatham Partners LLP offers clients from the infrastructure, real estate and energy sectors comprehensive advice on state aid law and also represents them in EU notification and review proceedings. The practice assists with various investment subsidies related to residential and commercial construction projects, particularly in northern Germany, and is also regularly instructed by airport and seaport operators to advise on state aid issues. Projects to promote renewable energy represent another mainstay: practice head Marco Núñez Müller assists with the funding of several IPCEI projects in this area and also advises on German funding eligibility for energy projects abroad. Energy suppliers further rely on Christos Paraschiakos, who made partner in July 2022 and stands out for his litigation expertise.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • HafenCity Hamburg GmbH
  • Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Abbreviated data is displayed for this firm.

Work highlights

  • Comprehensive state aid advice to HafenCity Hamburg GmbH in connection with the sale of large building areas and the granting of cultural investment aid for the construction of a digital art museum.
  • Comprehensive advice on state aid and procurement law to Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH, including on state infrastructure and superstructure financing, sale of terminals, changes to the port operating concession and aid to competing ports.
Abbreviated data is displayed for this firm.