Baker McKenzie's expertise includes corporate tax planning, group tax law and transactional support, resulting in regular national and cross-border instructions. Practice heads Thomas Schänzle and Christoph Becker are also dedicated to these themes, while Schänzle is additionally well versed in tax disputes and tax audits and Becker further assists with restructurings. This is complemented by expertise in transfer pricing and sales tax. In June 2024, the firm lost Jörg Hanken (transfer pricing) to WTS and in November of the same year Philipp Klinker, who is experienced in sales tax law, to PwC Legal (PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal AG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft).

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Baker McKenzie has been our law firm of choice for many years when it comes to particularly complex and important tax issues. I find the firm to be extremely committed and competent. The results of their work have generally been of a particularly professional quality. In addition to tax matters, we also value the interdisciplinary support (e.g. in civil or regulatory matters).'
  • 'Our contact for many years is Stephan Behnes. He is a passionate tax expert with very high quality standards and is always easy to reach. His work results are generally characterised by very good quality and a particularly high level of detail.'
  • 'The team offers the right qualifications for the right task.'
  • 'Comprehensively qualified consultants!'

Key clients

  • Aurelius Group
  • Arbonia
  • Knorr-Bremse AG
  • M&G Real Estate
  • Sika AG

Work highlights

  • Tax advice to Knorr-Bremse AG on the sale of an 85% stake in Kiepe Electric GmbH.
  • Tax advice to building supplier Arbonia on the sale of its air conditioning division to Midea Electrics Netherlands BV, a company of the Midea Group, for €760 million.
  • Advising various real estate funds managed by M&G Real Estate on tax-relevant issues for German investors and conducting structural analyses in relation to the funds.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Thomas Schänzle, Christoph Becker