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Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner regularly supports automotive suppliers and dealership associations as well as medium-sized companies and start-ups from the healthcare and technology sectors. The team has comprehensive expertise in drafting dealership and supply contracts as well as in supply disputes. Co-head Hendrik Thies is experienced at the interface between commercial and corporate law and jointly heads the team with the distribution antitrust lawyer Sven Köhnen. Frank Jungfleisch covers contractual matters at the IT law intersection, while Stephan Dittl‘s IP expertise is utilised in franchise matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Very well-developed knowledge of international contracts. Very flexible and customer oriented. Technically excellent. Very pleasant contact person and strong negotiation skills.'

  • 'Extreme practical relevance. The industry-specific assessment and explanation of risks is very good. The contractual requirements are presented in a way that is very easy for my colleagues and our contractual partners to understand. Personal support in customer contract negotiations is greatly appreciated. Very creative and above all, successful.'

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Key clients

  • Aebi Schmidt Händlerbeirat
  • Autohaus am Westbahnhof GmbH
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Work highlights

  • Advising the Getinge Group on distribution law issues, foreign trade and customs law as well as export control and the draft of a new model specialist trade contract and, most recently, overseeing the review and revision of the distribution contract used worldwide.
  • Advising the Association of Hyundai Contract Partners Germany eV on distribution law.
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