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Luca Bokor and Gábor Erdős jointly lead the banking, finance and capital markets team at Erdos • Partners, both contributing particular expertise in the real estate and energy sectors. The team advises both lenders and borrowers on financings and refinancings in the real estate sector, as well as handling the full life cycle of renewable energy project financings. The team’s capital markets practice focuses on green bond issuance; Mátyás Környei has experience in bond and tap issuances of regular, private and green bonds and IPOs. György Katona left the team in May 2023.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The team is always available when needed and provides, in a timely manner, professional advice and excellent and high-quality documentation, taking into account the complexity of the transaction or the legal matter.’

  • ‘For a company, it is always important to receive tailor-made advice, taking into account the company's ultimate goals and all other relevant circumstances that may affect the decision-making process. It is also highly important to receive the advice and documents by deadlines. The team is always up to date on changes of legislations and assist in a professional manner.’

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Key clients

  • Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.
  • K&H Bank Zrt.
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Work highlights

  • Advised Erste Bank Hungary on the €12m refinancing of a large outlet shopping centre in Hungary.
  • Assisted K&H Bank and Erste Bank Hungary with an intercreditor agreement and security pool arrangement, including setting up the structure and drafting the agreement, as well as advising on the underlying collateral agreements.
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