Deloitte Legal Göndöcz and Partners Law Firm’s competition team is made up of specialists in relevant authority proceedings, and also fields in-house forensics experts and technologies; the practice regularly defends clients in antitrust cases before the HCA and domestic courts. Péter Göndöcz leads the team alongside Anna Miks; the latter has over 20 years’ experience in consumer protection issues, and also regularly provides day-to-day competition advice to clients from the FMCG and energy sectors. Denisz Dobos joined the team as a managing associate in March 2023 from Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda, bringing additional experience in merger filings and cartel damages claims to the group.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Borsodi Sörgyárak Zrt.
  • FAST ČR, a.s.
  • Sberbank Magyarország Zrt. “under voluntary liquidation” represented by Pénzügyi Stabilitási és Felszámoló Nonprofit Kft.
  • VÖRÖSKŐ Kft.
  • Integral Venture Partners
  • European Commission
  • Power Kft.
  • General Logistics Systems B.V. (GLS Group)


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Péter Göndöcz, Anna Miks

Other key lawyers

Denisz Dobos