A recent expansion into the sports sector has seen the data protection and privacy team at Réti, Várszegi and Partners PwC Legal increase its data protection officer services. With varied industry expertise, Csilla Judit Dékány leads the team alongside László Szűcs, who focuses on data protection due diligence and compliance reviews. Edvin Pozsonyi counts sports organisations among his clients, as well as public service providers and start-ups. András Csenterics develops AI solutions, while Márta Zsédely advises public and private sector clients on compliance. Zsófia Straubinger handles GDPR projects within the healthcare and pharmaceuticals industries. Márton Farkas is regularly involved in GDPR projects on a cross-border basis.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'They are extremely knowledgeable in relation to data protection and any element regarding digitalisation.'

  • 'The team was very responsive and delivered high-quality advice. They also understand quickly and easily very complex fields of law.'

  • ‘András Csenterics and Csilla Judit Dékány stand out as they are both exceptionally knowledgeable, client-oriented lawyers.’

Key clients

  • Rossmann Magyarország Kft.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft.|PricewaterhouseCoopers Könyvvizsgáló Kft.

Work highlights

  • Acting as the data protection officer of ROSSMANN Hungary Kft.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Csilla Judit Dékány, László Szűcs

Other key lawyers

Márta Zsédely, Zsófia Straubinger, András Csenterics, Márton Farkas, Zsófia Zomborszky, Edvin Pozsonyi