Ediplis Counsels assists with all IP-related matters, including advice on trade mark, patent and copyright disputes, with a broad range of industry expertise, including technology, pharmaceuticals, fintech, consumer goods, media, banking and finance. Nishant Kewalramani is an intellectual property specialist and is also a registered Indian patent agent. Aditi Verma Thakur has a strong contentious and non-contentious practice with an emphasis on commercial IP matters, while Vishal Jain is highly skilled in due diligence and trademark matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Seshaasai Business Forms
  • Magma HDI General Insurance
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Work highlights

  • Represented Robinhood Insurance Broker in several enforcement exercises relating to their trading name and product names.
  • Represented Zephyr Toymakers in a wide range of trademark and design protection and enforcement matters.
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