Macchi di Cellere Gangemi is best known for private sector-related investment deals and acquisition programmes, and cross-border M&A transactions involving France. The team also advises on M&A deals in the renewable energy sector. The key figures are Luigi Macchi di CellerePietro OrzalesiFrancesca BogoniErnesto Pucci, and Simone Rossi.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Pietro Orzalesi - extremely experienced, rigorous, smart, excellent business acumen, and an outstanding professional.'

  • ‘Excellent team - probably one of the best in Milan.’

  • 'Pietro Orzalesi is a corporate lawyer with remarkable skills.'

  • 'Great availability and competence.’
  • 'Pietro Orzalesi delves into every subject and has great leadership qualities for complex operations.'
  • 'Well versed in every aspect of M&A transactions.'
  • 'Proactive and quick in answering questions, and provides solid support and advice.'
  • ‘Pietro Orzalesi is an outstanding professional who always exceeds his clients' expectations.'

Key clients

  • Euro Media Group
  • La Collina Dei Ciliegi
  • Advini SA
  • Meregalli Giuseppe S.p.A.
  • GRV Roofs 1 S.R.L.
  • GR Value S.p.A.
  • GR Value 2 Srl
  • Casa Generalizia Dell’Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
  • Tecme ETE s.r.l.
  • Medi Group Holding
  • Kiloutou Group
  • Arribatec Group ASA
  • Safic Alcan Group
  • Saur Group
  • MSI
  • Infront Italy
  • Schmack Biogas


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Luigi Macchi di Cellere, Francesca Bogoni, Pietro Orzalesi, Ernesto Pucci, Simone Rossi