Chiomenti’s team of experienced practitioners provides comprehensive assistance in both national and EU competition law matters, spanning abuses of dominant position, cartels, and merger notification cases before the Italian Competition Authority and the EU Commission. Here is litigation specialist Marco Serpone the key contact. State aid proceedings, public procurement and concessions also belong to the team’s expertise, and represent Guido Bellitti’s practice focus. Further core workflows include assisting clients in disputes before civil and administrative courts on issues related to unfair business practices and abuse of economic dependence; an area in which EU and Italian competition law specialist Cristoforo Osti and Alessandra Prastaro are particularly active. Patrick Actis Perinetto focuses on the pharmaceutical sector. Since publication, Marco D’Ostuni joined the firm, while Gian Michele Roberti left the practice.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
- 'Chiomenti provides a unique assistance thanks to the team's wide knowledge of EU and competition law combined with the highest level of knowledge of the sector's specific regulation, namely media and TLC.'
- 'Thanks to their skills and capability to be up-to-date with the most recent developments, Chiomenti’s team is always capable to provide opinions based on a wide range of supporting evidence, and to allow the company's department to focus on very specific relevant topics.'
- 'I appreciate Chiomenti's team for its consistent standard of service, depth of expertise and responsiveness. The team has an in-depth knowledge of EU and competition law, and I really appreciate the client service and innovative solutions they are always capable to provide when dealing with complex issues.'
- 'Thanks to their involvement in major and complex EU law and competition cases, the level of service and of sophistication is always very strong, as also proven by the results.'
- 'Marco Serpone has a great expertise in this sector, and especially before the Competition and Communications Authorities and the highest EU and national Courts. He is an attentive and outstanding professional who is apt at handling complex issues with innovative solutions.'
- 'Marco Serpone is an indispensable resource, an exceptional lawyer. His in-depth knowledge of the sector's regulations and his ability to listen and find innovative solutions allow him to provide tailor-made legal services to the highest possible standard.'
Key clients
- A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite s.r.l.
- Abiogen Pharma S.p.A.,
- Adolf Wuerth
- Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.
- Alba Leasing S.p.A.
- Aldi S.r.l.
- Alfasigma S.p.A.
- Allianz Direct S.p.A.
- Allianz S.p.A.
- Alten Europe s.à r.l.
- Amministrazione Straordinaria di Alitalia LAI
- Angelini S.p.A.
- Apollo Management International LLP
- Areti S.p.A.
- Artemide Group S.p.A.
- Asterion Industrial Partners
- Avio S.p.A.
- Banca Generali S.p.A.
- Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A.
- Banca Popolare di Bari S.p.A.
- Best in Parking AG
- BMW Bank Gmbh (Italian branch)
- BNP-Paribas Securities
- BPER Banca S.p.A.
- Buzzi Unicem S.p.A.
- Camfin S.p.A.
- Capvis AG
- CDP Venture Capital SGR
- Cementi Moccia S.p.A.
- Centrale Adriatica s.c.
- Confcommercio Mantova
- Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista Holdings, S.A.
- CONAI Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi
- Coop Alleanza 3.0 s.c.
- Coop Centro Italia SC
- Coop Italia s.c.
- Cooperativa Sociale Nuova Sair Onlus
- Crédit Agricole Cariparma S.p.A.
- Edison S.p.A.
- Eni S.p.A.
- Esso Italiana S.p.A.
- Esprinet S.p.A.
- Expedia Inc.
- F2i ER 1 S.p.A.
- F2i-Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture
- Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.A.
- Finaf S.p.A. (Angelini Group)
- FlixBus Italia S.r.l.
- Flutter Entertainment
- FOMAS S.p.A.
- Friedkin Group Inc.
- FSI Investimenti S.p.A.
- Garmin (Europe) Ltd
- Gilead Sciences S.r.l.
- Gofundme Ireland plc
- Gruppo ASTM
- Gruppo Cattolica S.p.A.
- Gruppo Unicomm S.p.A.
- Harley Davidson Europe Ltd.
- Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
- HomeAway (gruppo Expedia/VRBO)
- Industrie Riunite Odolesi S.p.A.
- InPoste.it S.p.A.
- Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
- Investindustrial VI LP.
- ION Investment Group Ltd
- ITA – Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A. (ITA Airways)
- Kinto Italia S.p.A.
- KKR & Co. Inc.
- La Veggia S.p.A.
- Laziocrea S.p.A.
- Leonardo S.p.A.
- Lyconet Italia S.r.l.
- Lyoness Italia S.r.l.
- Mediaset S.p.A.
- Mimete S.r.l.
- myWorld Italia S.r.l.
- Neuraxpharm Italy S.p.A.
- Notorious Pictures S.p.A.
- Opel Bank S.A.
- Philip Morris Italia S.r.l.
- Portobello Capital Gestion S.G.E.I.C. S.A.
- Prenatal Retail Group S.p.A.
- Premium S.p.A.
- PUNCH Torino S.p.A.
- Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A.
- Rhone Group
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Saipem S.p.A.
- Senior Italia Federanziani
- SIAE – Società Italiana Autori e Editori
- Sipcam Oxon S.p.A.
- SOFAR S.p.A.
- Sojitz Marine & Engineering Corporation
- SUEZ Groupe SAS
- Tannico
- Telepass S.p.A.
- Tivù S.r.l.
- Toyota Financial Corporation
- Toyota Financial Services PLC
- Toyota Motor Italia S.p.A.
- Treccani Reti S.p.A.
- Unicoop Firenze s.c.
- Unicoop Tirreno s.c.
- Unipol Rental S.p.a.
- UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.
- Unem - Unione Energie per la Mobilità
- Vivendi S.A.
- Volkswagen A.G.
- Walsin Lihwa Corporation
- Wind Tre S.p.A.
- Zurich Insurance Company Ltd - Rappresentanza Generale per l’Italia
Work highlights
- Assisted two companies belonging to the Expedia Group with respect to the EU Court of Justice proceedings (case C-663/22 – Expedia v. AGCom; case C-666/22 - EGVR v. AGCom) stemming, as preliminary ruling proceedings, from two different appeals proceedings brought before the Italian administrative courts (T.A.R. Latium) against various Italian law provisions and all the administrative measures issued by the Italian Communications Authority in alleged implementation of the EU Regulation No. 1150/2019 (so-called P2B Regulation).
- Advised Airbnb Ireland in the litigation pending before Consiglio di Stato and the Court of Justice of the EU concerning the compatibility with EU law of the obligations imposed in Italy on on-line platforms with respect to the collection and remittance of the flat tax due on short-term rentals.