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Tonucci & Partners’ EU and competition law practice routinely advises clients on merger control issues, cartel investigations, and abuse of dominant power, while also handling complex antitrust litigation and providing advice on compliance matters. The practice is jointly led by Giorgio Alu Saffi, who notably focuses on public utilities and regulatory issues, as well as on national and international arbitrations, and Giovanni Pallone, who handles proceedings before the European Commission and the Italian Competition Authorities, cartel and abuse of dominant position cases, and merger control filings.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Advolis Orfis
  • Bene Assicurazioni S.p.A
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Work highlights

  • Acted as Monitoring Trustee, jointly with Advolis, appointed by the EU Commission in order to oversee the implementation of the commitments imposed by the latter in the clearance decision of the acquisition of joint control over INWIT by Telecom Italia and Vodafone.
  • Provided legal assistance to Bene Assicurazioni, and its wholly controlled company FIT Società Benefit S.r.l, in the implementation of the commitments imposed by the IAA in the context of the investigation I 856.
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