Practitioners at Vanguard Lawyers Tokyo are experienced in labour and employment law matters. and display ‘a good understanding of the financial landscape in Japan’. More broadly, the group is also noted for being ’particularly focused on labour law in general’, advising on the full scope of employment work and ‘strips away the legalese to provide workable commercial solutions’. Practice head Akiko Yamakawa ’demonstrates skilled litigation assistance based on many years of experience in this field’ and Kazuki Okada has represented unions and employees in disputes. Masahiko Kinoshita is the key name to note at associate level.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The firm is particularly focused on labour law in general. They form a small team for each matter, which allows them to quickly respond to clients' needs and requests. Additionally, partners at the firm generally have a strong command of English.'
  • 'Akiko Yamakawa clearly and concisely conveys her advice and opinions. She often takes into account the company's circumstances and needs and provides realistic proposals. On top of that, her English proficiency is outstanding. She demonstrates skilled litigation assistance based on many years of experience in this field.'
  • 'The team has a good understanding of the financial landscape in Japan and is able to strip away the legalese and provide workable commercial solutions. Ability to advise in English is also a major plus.'
  • 'Vanguard Lawyers Tokyo strategically builds a very strong professional team and are able to give us available options with good reasoning. They assign the lawyers who are the best to support clients in an appropriate way.'
  • 'We have been working with Kazuki Okada, Akiko Yamakawa, and Yusuke Suzuki who are all great professionals. It is easy for a lawyer to say it's not possible from a legal standpoint if it's not in line with the laws, etc., trying to mitigate their firm's risks, but they are totally different. They always come up with things that may or may not be possible, stating pros and cons and potential risks. This allows a client to consider and choose the best option from their perspective.'


Leading individuals: Bengoshi
The strongest partners in their field, leading on market-leading deals and endorsed by peers and clients alike.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Akiko Yamakawa

Other key lawyers

Kazuki Okada, Masahiko Kinoshita, Yusuke Suzuki