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Providing services to clients across Kazakhstan in Astana, Karaganda and Almaty, MG Partners advises both domestic and international clients on issues related to business start-ups in Kazakhstan, as well as corporate consulting. The firm is registered with the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), which incorporates principles and rules based on the case law of England and Wales, as well as the world’s leading financial centres. Inna Ionova is the managing and senior partner of the Astana office, while senior partner Darya Markina leads the Karaganda office.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Telesoft
  • Marine-Line
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Work highlights

  • Aided with the opening of a branch of the University in Kazakhstan in accordance with the concluded interstate memorandum and further full legal support.
  • Provided a full cycle of legal services for a company's entry into the Kazakhstan market.
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