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Boutique firm Bolotov & Partners LLP is well regarded for its services in the trademark and patent space, providing domestic and international clients across Kazakhstan and Central Asia with advice on a variety of matters ranging from prosecution and litigation to transactions in sectors including consumer goods, telecommunications and finance. Managing partner Yuri Bolotov covers the use and protection of IP rights, including trademarks and copyrights, as well as advising on cross-border matters in IP law. Saule Kulzhambekova‘s experience from her time as a senior expert examining trademarks for the National Patent Office aids in her current practice fighting trademark and patent violations in cooperation with law enforcement agencies. Zhanat Nurmagambetov is noted for his expertise in IP rights enforcement including the application of pretrial, civil and criminal measures of trademark protection. All partners mentioned lead the team.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Toyota Motor Europe
  • Philip Morris International
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Work highlights

  • Representing Lego Juris in the protection of its trademark against counterfeit LEGO construction toys, involving working alongside the Justice Departments engaging in systematic raid actions against sellers bringing infringers to administrative responsibility and imposing fines.
  • Aiding in the protection of Procter & Gamble's trademarked products against counterfeit washing powders and detergents, including helping the client in systematic raids against the sellers and monitoring shops and warehouses around Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
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