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Mboya Wangong'u & Waiyaki Advocates‘ banking and finance team fields significant experience in capital markets-related matters, and is noted for operating in various high-value facilities, investment trusts, IPOs, funds, and the issuance of high-value bonds. Gladys Mboya co-heads the team with Godwin Wangong’u, both highly experienced in capital market transactions. Peter Waiyaki brings over 15 years of experience in private equity transactions, while CG Mbugua is a key actor in bond-related transactions. June Njoroge-Ngwele and Sylvia Kang’ethe are frequently retained for real estate and infrastructure financing. Kimani Njane is also a key member of the team.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • The Capital Markets Authority
  • GuarantCo Limited
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Work highlights

  • Advised the Capital Markets Authority of Kenya on the development of the recently passed Public Offers, Listings and Disclosures Regulations, 2023.
  • Advised GuarantCo on setting up an Asset Backed Securities structure.
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