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Cuatrecasas’ prominence in Latin America-related international arbitration field stems from its commitment and track record in Spain, coupled with its growing presence in Latin America itself. Unlike many other international firms, it has a sizeable team of international arbitration specialists based in Latin America. With a steady influx of investment and commercial arbitration engagements, the team is best known for energy, infrastructure and construction cases. It has represented parties in a series of headline infrastructure disputes. Madrid partner Alfonso Iglesia leads the international arbitration group and is hugely experienced in Latin America-related arbitrations, including those involving Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Panama, Ecuador and Dominican Republic; he has acted in a series of recent ICSID and ICC cases. Santiago partner Cristián Conejero is a senior figure in the team and is noted for construction arbitrations. Alberto Zuleta is another experienced arbitration expert in Bogota along with René Irra in Mexico City and Domingo Rivarola in Lima. Madrid partners Alberto Fortún and Manuel Franco are also active in Latin America cases, both noted for construction, infrastructure and energy disputes. Raised to the partnership in April 2022, Uruguay-qualified Juan Manuel Rey (in the Santiago office), is also noted.  

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • International Consortium (ACS, FCC, Webuild, Cosapi, Ansaldo, Hitachi) Metro de Lima
  • Sociedad Concesionaria Peruana de Vías (COVINCA)
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Work highlights

  • Initiated two ICSID arbitrations on behalf of an international consortium regarding the construction of Lima's second subway line.
  • Represented a client in ICSID arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Peru in a €50m dispute relating to a highway concession.
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