Uría Menéndez has an impressive mix of investment and commercial arbitrations, along with public international law cases. Much of the team is located in the Madrid, Barcelona and Lisbon offices, but the practice also benefits from the expertise and resources of associated firm, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría, which has offices in in Chile, Colombia and Peru. The group frequently represents Europe-based multinationals (particularly those from the Iberian peninsula) in investment treaty cases against Latin American states and commercial arbitrations against Latin American businesses. José Miguel Fatás became head of the practice in January 2023, following the promotion of Jesús Remón Peñalver to the position of senior partner. Gabriel Bottini  is an experienced name in investment arbitration, including Latin America cases; he also frequently sits as an arbitrator. Álvaro López de Argumedo is another key figure. All named partners are based in Madrid.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Uría Menéndez presents a highly trained team with experience in different areas of law. This allows them to offer their clients complete and effective advice, adapted to their needs and the complexity of each case. His practice is focused on the client, always looking for the best solution to their problem and adapting to their needs and objectives. Likewise, it presents a multiculturalism in its teams that, in my opinion, greatly favours the final result of the creative process with a greater capacity to adapt to the reality of the country where its support is needed.’

  • ‘The proximity to the client and his effort to adapt the best legal practices to the strategy defined by the client, in my opinion would be a strong point. In addition, and as mentioned above, the multiculturalism of the team adds a dimension of greater competition to the strategy defined depending on the market, in order to better exploit the client's needs. I point to the partner Alexandre Mota Pinto (Lisbon office) and Gabriel Bottini (Madrid office) as examples of what has been described and whose work, effort and dedication to the client deserve recognition.’

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Key clients

  • Banco Nacional de Cuba
  • Canal Extensia
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Work highlights

  • Represented a Spanish telecommunications company in an investment arbitration relating to a dispute on tax measures imposed by a Latin-American state against the client’s local subsidiary.
  • Represented Canal Extensia in an investment arbitration against Colombia regarding measures the current government imposed in relation to Canal Extensia’s investments in Colombia that resulted in it being forced to sell its shareholding in Triple A (Barranquillas Water Public Utilities).
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