
Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Nigel Tozzi KC
4 Pump Court
‘Nigel is a supreme advocate who is excellent with clients. His preparation and case management are second-to-none.’
Benjamin Pilling KC
4 Pump Court 
‘Ben is one of the finest advocates on his feet, which is belied by his mild-mannered approach and easy charm. He defends his clients’ interests as robustly as necessary whilst maintaining the confidence of judges and tribunals. He is a class act.’ 


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Ruth Bala
4 Pump Court
‘Ruth is simply the best for detail and can be trusted to get to the core issues whilst pulling no punches about weaknesses in our case. Her advice and document work is clear. She is fantastic to work with, easily approachable and very quick to respond and work to clients’ deadlines requirements.’