Quadrant Chambers is ‘a first-rate, go-to set for shipping and commodities disputes with a large number of excellent and extremely capable barristers’. The large number of members skilled in shipping and trade matters frequently act for buyers, sellers and other interested parties in commodities disputes, whether in the courts of England and Wales or in international arbitration. Their work spans matters under the rules of many arbitral institutions, among them LCIA and ICC, as well as trade associations such as GAFTA, FOSFA and the RSA, acting also for large corporates, including many of the world’s leading commodity trading houses. Chirag Karia KC, who recently acted for the claimant in Sharp Corp Ltd v Viterra BV, a section 69 arbitration appeal from the decision of the GAFTA Board of Appeal. Among the juniors, Benjamin Coffer recently assisted the claimant in CM Biomass Partners v Stanley’s Biomass Limited, a dispute concerning failure to supply the contractual quantity of wood pellets.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The clerks are always prepared to go the extra mile to assist in finding counsel at short notice and to provide the practical help that is often needed.'
  • 'Simon Slattery is a very effective clerk.'
  • 'A great team to deal with. Daniel Westerman stands out in my mind.'
  • 'Simon Slattery is very accommodating and a pleasure to deal with.'
  • 'First-rate, go-to set for shipping and commodities disputes with a large number of excellent and extremely capable barristers.'

  • 'Quadrant is light years ahead of other sets in terms of marketing and quality of case reports, teaching sessions, etc.'

  • 'I am a big fan of Quadrant chambers - lovely people to deal with, quick response time and really like their informative legal updates and Quarterly reviews.'

  • 'A good set of shipping and trade counsel.'

  • 'Quadrant are really great in international trade and shipping.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Simon Rainey KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Simon has a very strong reputation and great intellectual clout, allowing him to master the detail of difficult expert evidence in a way that is impressive.’
Simon Croall KC
Simon Croall KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Simon thinks outside the box and wins cases others can’t as a result.’
Chirag Karia KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Chirag is an astute judge of the mood of the court, knowing when to push harder for the client's interest, and his advice is practical.’
Luke Parsons KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Luke is an exceptional advocate whose advice is sound legally and whose tactical and commercial awareness is second to none.’
Guy Blackwood KC
Guy Blackwood KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Guy is an excellent barrister who is user-friendly and has a solid commercial approach.’
Thomas Macey-Dare KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Tom is fantastic with any expert heavy litigation, and his real strength lies in his calm and methodical advocacy style, where his approach is measured and collegiate.’
2024 Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Paul Toms KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Paul is extremely bright, tactically astute, and an incredibly fluent advocate who is also very pleasant to deal with.’


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Peter Stevenson
Quadrant Chambers
‘A brilliant mind and formidable advocate, Peter is a go-to junior for big-ticket shipping and commodities work who never fails to impress.’
Henry Ellis
Quadrant Chambers
‘Henry is extremely user-friendly, responsive and quick to understand complicated issues and present difficult points of law in a manner which is easy for clients to understand.’
Max Davidson
Quadrant Chambers
‘Max is extremely easy to work with, easily picks up on complicated issues and provides clear and concise advice on strategy and approach, with a practical and commercial outlook.’
Tom Bird
Tom Bird
Quadrant Chambers
‘Tom is commercially minded, understands client objectives, and has a flexible approach.’
Andrew Leung
Quadrant Chambers
‘Andrew is extremely capable, hardworking, and intelligent, and his advocacy is very measured and thorough, focusing in on the real issues and refusing to be distracted by irrelevancies.’ 
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Jamie Hamblen
Quadrant Chambers
‘Jamie punches well above his weight in terms of years’ call from a technical perspective and is very responsive and user-friendly.’