2 Hare Court, widely regarded as ‘one of the leading chambers in criminal law’, continues to host a multitude of practitioners with considerable expertise and expertise. Oliver Glasgow KC prosecuted Jordan McSweeney, who was sentenced in December 2022 to life imprisonment with a minimum of 38 years for the brutal sexual assault and murder of Zara Aleena. In R v PD, Fiona Robertson successfully appealed, on behalf of the Attorney General, a sentence of three years imprisonment for sexual assault, assault by penetration and common assault - she submitted that full regard had not been paid in the first instance to the psychological harm inflicted upon the victim as well as that the judge had displayed outdated views on a husband’s entitlement to sex within a marriage and had thereby erred in mitigating the offence for this reason, and the sentence was upgraded to nine years. Acting as a sole junior, Julia Faure Walker prosecuted an individual, who was nineteen at the time, who was convicted of posting ISIS propaganda on Instagram. David Whittaker KC is representing a man bringing a private prosecution against his own son, who he alleges blackmailed him for £500,000.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Chloe Skingsley is a top rate clerk. She is trustworthy and efficient. Her knowledge of the market is exceptional.'
  • 'Jack Shah has in-depth knowledge of his barristers. He targets their strengths when making suggestions to solicitors. It is easy to trust his recommendations at 2 Hare Court because their barristers are in a league of their own.'
  • 'The clerks are a pleasure to deal with. Julian, Jack and Chloe are particularly good.'
  • 'An outstanding set of chambers with a sophisticated and commercially-minded clerking team. One of only a very small number of chambers where one knows clients will get the best possible representation regardless of which barrister is dealing with the case.'
  • 'No question that they are one of the best sets around. Quality all over. Their counsel are always in demand.'
  • '2 Hare Court is one of the leading chambers in criminal law, with barristers who are well prepared and highly professional in their advice, advocacy and dealings with clients.'
  • '2 Hare Court is one of a small cohort of elite chambers; with advocates working on some of the most high-profile, serious and complex cases.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
2 Hare Court
 ‘Oli is a superb forensic advocate. His work ethic is incredible and his enthusiasm is infectious. His case analysis and written work is of the highest standard and he is also incredibly down to earth.'
2 Hare Court
‘Sallie is a fantastic advocate who goes head-to-head with judges when necessary. Her approach is very personal but no-nonsense at the same time.’
2 Hare Court
‘He is a natural advocate and one of the best KCs at the criminal Bar. Juries love his natural, eloquent and persuasive manner and clients love his avuncular, tactful and caring approach in conference. He explains complicated technical issues to lay clients and juries as if they are simple and straightforward, a rare and valuable skill at the criminal Bar.’ 
2 Hare Court
 ‘David is a superlative silk. He is highly intelligent and both his written work and his advocacy are unbelievably good. He effortlessly comprehends complex cases and he is creative and tactful when defending.'
2 Hare Court
‘Zubair has fantastic client care skills, is empathetic and really puts his clients at ease. He has a real attention to detail, is extremely focused and has a very calming disposition. His written work is also exceptional.'
2 Hare Court
‘He has an immense ability to retain both specific facts as well as the bigger picture of cases. He is brilliant with clients, especially when a difficult message has to be conveyed. He is also flexible and does not get offended when challenged or asked to back up his view.' 
2022 Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
2 Hare Court
 ‘Gudrun gives her all, is extremely hard working, a superb advocate and exceptionally bright. She is a top class silk and never fails to impress.'


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
2 Hare Court
 ‘Julia is an absolutely meticulous and thorough barrister who is particularly strong at considering a case from every angle and spotting the hidden pitfalls. She is an extremely fair prosecutor who will take every point that can properly be taken. She works with unfailing courtesy and grace and is an undoubted star of the future.' 
2 Hare Court
 ‘Harry is an extremely committed and exceptionally hard working counsel. He is an effective advocate, great in front of a jury, and a great cross-examiner. He is always quick at picking up the facts and getting straight to the heart of matters.' 
2 Hare Court
'Sarah is calm and measured in her approach. She is always meticulously prepared. She is a very talented lawyer, and is able to make difficult arguments seem straightforward. She is good at handling nervous and vulnerable witnesses, and putting them at ease.' 
2 Hare Court
‘Madeleine is wonderful. She is an incredibly intelligent, charming and persuasive advocate. Without any doubt, Madeleine is a first class barrister and is a silk in waiting.' 
2 Hare Court
‘Will has a remarkable analytical mind and as an advocate he is confident, charming & persuasive. He is a stellar practitioner.’ 
2 Hare Court
‘Merry is incredibly hard working. Her analysis is always extremely meticulous and she always has a real sense of how cases will play out which makes her advice on evidence of even more assistance. She is awfully persuasive when on her feet which supplements her outstanding written work. She will rise to the top of the criminal Bar.’
2 Hare Court
 ‘Peter is a very skilled and measured advocate in particular when dealing with vulnerable clients or witnesses. He is incredibly thorough in his preparatory and written work and is first choice counsel for serious and complex matters.' 
2 Hare Court
 ‘Daniel is a fantastic barrister. His skill both in and out of court is almost unmatched. His attention to detail is precise, he is quick and thorough and clients and juries alike both love him. He is persuasive, meticulous and is regularly instructed on paper heavy, complex cases.'
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
2 Hare Court
 ‘Julia is an absolutely meticulous and thorough barrister who is particularly strong at considering a case from every angle and spotting the hidden pitfalls. She is an extremely fair prosecutor who will take every point that can properly be taken. She works with unfailing courtesy and grace and is an undoubted star of the future.' 
2 Hare Court
 ‘Harry is an extremely committed and exceptionally hard working counsel. He is an effective advocate, great in front of a jury, and a great cross-examiner. He is always quick at picking up the facts and getting straight to the heart of matters.' 
2 Hare Court
'Sarah is calm and measured in her approach. She is always meticulously prepared. She is a very talented lawyer, and is able to make difficult arguments seem straightforward. She is good at handling nervous and vulnerable witnesses, and putting them at ease.' 
2 Hare Court
‘Madeleine is wonderful. She is an incredibly intelligent, charming and persuasive advocate. Without any doubt, Madeleine is a first class barrister and is a silk in waiting.' 
2 Hare Court
‘Will has a remarkable analytical mind and as an advocate he is confident, charming & persuasive. He is a stellar practitioner.’ 
2 Hare Court
‘Merry is incredibly hard working. Her analysis is always extremely meticulous and she always has a real sense of how cases will play out which makes her advice on evidence of even more assistance. She is awfully persuasive when on her feet which supplements her outstanding written work. She will rise to the top of the criminal Bar.’
2 Hare Court
 ‘Peter is a very skilled and measured advocate in particular when dealing with vulnerable clients or witnesses. He is incredibly thorough in his preparatory and written work and is first choice counsel for serious and complex matters.' 
2 Hare Court
 ‘Daniel is a fantastic barrister. His skill both in and out of court is almost unmatched. His attention to detail is precise, he is quick and thorough and clients and juries alike both love him. He is persuasive, meticulous and is regularly instructed on paper heavy, complex cases.'