42BR Barristers is ‘a fantastic set with several experienced counsel, who cover a wide range of family work’. ’Robust advocate’ Tina Cook KC handles children matters related to both public and private law with specific expertise in challenging sexual abuse cases. Damian Woodward-Carlton KC is known for providing ‘pragmatic and result-focused advice’ and represented Hertfordshire CC in H-W (Children), a case dealing with the proper approach of courts for removal of children from families. Katie Phillips garners praise for her ’excellent writing’ and specialises in cases involving serious physical abuse of children. Ann Osborne joined the team in September 2023 - a ‘very impressive advocate’, her practice focuses on representing parents and local authorities.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The clerks always go above and beyond to make counsel available as needed wherever possible and will endeavour to provide continuity. The clerks are approachable and accessible, good-humoured and helpful. James Tidnam and Luke Goodman, in particular, are always willing to assist, no matter the urgency or time of day.'
  • 'The clerks at 42 Bedford Row are superb. James Tidnam is the very best. He is very responsive, diligent and organised. He and the team are very approachable. Luke Goodman is also excellent, as is Daragh Henderson.'
  • '42 Bedford Row is a fantastic set. The barristers are knowledgeable, strong advocates and readily available to assist as required.'
  • '42 Bedford Row is a very strong set with a great spread of counsel at all levels, with a huge knowledge base available.'
  • '42 Bedford Row has an excellent group of public law practitioners. The breadth of experience and knowledge of chambers is difficult to beat.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
42BR Barristers
‘Tina is a very strong cross-examiner of experts and parents. She is always on top of the papers and a good tactician.’
42BR Barristers
‘Gemma’s integrity and independence of mindsets are a standard few can match. She carries herself in court with a quiet confidence that commands everyone’s respect and attention.’
2022 Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
42BR Barristers
 ‘Gemma is hard-working and thorough. She is organised and persistent, and her advocacy is persuasive. She is unafraid to take on tough points.'


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
42BR Barristers
‘Katie is a talented advocate who always has a firm grasp of the detail and nuances in any case where she is instructed. She is very user-friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for her clients.’
42BR Barristers
‘Jonathan is always very hardworking, thorough and concise and goes the extra mile - he maintains a calmness throughout, which is always helpful in cases where tensions can be high.’
42BR Barristers
'A determined and fierce advocate. She has the winning combination of tenacity, fabulous client care, and a razor sharp legal mind.'
42BR Barristers
'Marcia is an excellent advocate in both written and oral advocacy. Her written documents are thoughtful and measured but effective. She recognises the strengths of her case and does not waste energy on issues that are not persuasive. She balances this with forceful and persistent advocacy on persuasive and relevant aspects of her case.'
42BR Barristers
' Rachel is a wonderful advocate; articulate, concise and engaging. She always knows the finer details of her cases and weaves them into her submissions and cross-examination with skill. She works with extremely vulnerable clients and people against whom the most serious allegations have been made and always presents their case fearlessly. '
42BR Barristers
'Richard is a calm and impressive advocate. His ability to digest complex evidence whilst constantly focussing on the issues of the case means your case remains solution focussed.'
42BR Barristers
 ‘Kate is exceptional with clients, extremely competent and very knowledgeable barrister. She is tactically excellent, tenacious and determined. She is extremely hard-working and truly an exceptional barrister.’
42BR Barristers
'Philip is calm and confident in his style. He has excellent attention to detail, puts clients at ease and is highly skilled when it comes to cross-examination.'
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
42BR Barristers
‘Katie is a talented advocate who always has a firm grasp of the detail and nuances in any case where she is instructed. She is very user-friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for her clients.’
42BR Barristers
‘Jonathan is always very hardworking, thorough and concise and goes the extra mile - he maintains a calmness throughout, which is always helpful in cases where tensions can be high.’
42BR Barristers
'A determined and fierce advocate. She has the winning combination of tenacity, fabulous client care, and a razor sharp legal mind.'
42BR Barristers
'Marcia is an excellent advocate in both written and oral advocacy. Her written documents are thoughtful and measured but effective. She recognises the strengths of her case and does not waste energy on issues that are not persuasive. She balances this with forceful and persistent advocacy on persuasive and relevant aspects of her case.'
42BR Barristers
' Rachel is a wonderful advocate; articulate, concise and engaging. She always knows the finer details of her cases and weaves them into her submissions and cross-examination with skill. She works with extremely vulnerable clients and people against whom the most serious allegations have been made and always presents their case fearlessly. '
42BR Barristers
'Richard is a calm and impressive advocate. His ability to digest complex evidence whilst constantly focussing on the issues of the case means your case remains solution focussed.'
42BR Barristers
 ‘Kate is exceptional with clients, extremely competent and very knowledgeable barrister. She is tactically excellent, tenacious and determined. She is extremely hard-working and truly an exceptional barrister.’
42BR Barristers
'Philip is calm and confident in his style. He has excellent attention to detail, puts clients at ease and is highly skilled when it comes to cross-examination.'