With a wealth of experience at the senior level, Wilberforce Chambers acts on all forms of property litigation. Core areas of focus for the set include commercial landlord and tenant, development, mortgages and property rights concerning economy. Jonathan Seitler KC acted before the Supreme Court in On Tower v AP Wireless, a group appeal brought by numerous cell site operators involving numerous issues of the Telecommunications Code, including the interpretation of the transitional provisions between the new and old codes. Joanne Wicks KC is acting on R (Annington Property Ltd & Others) v The Secretary of State for Defence, a case concerning a proposal by the MoD to reacquire married quarters it disposed of via a sale and leaseback arrangement using conventional enfranchisement law. Tiffany Scott KC represented the claimant in Clifford v Grosvenor West End Properties, in which the inhabitant of a Mayfair mews home sought to require the Duke of Westminster to eject prostitutes and drug dealers from an adjacent block of flats.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The clerks are excellent - particularly Andrew Barnes. He is always available and comes back with a response quickly.'
  • 'The clerks set Wilberforce apart. They are so responsive and always try and accommodate the instruction.'
  • 'Clerks are responsive and always seek to assist and accommodate to ensure preferred counsel can be available or made available.'
  • 'Superb. They move mountains in the interests of their clients and the case. The clerks are responsive and proactive. It really is a first class service.'
  • 'Wilberforce is a great set. The quality of the barristers in the real estate sector is second to none.'
  • 'Wilberforce Chambers is at the top of the game, their barristers are competent in so many areas it is hard for them not to be the first port of call.'
  • 'A very strong set at all levels. Set apart by both the quality and breadth of expertise their barristers. A particular strength is their ability to handle cases that span more than one specialist area because of the wide expertise of their barristers (without compromising on quality).'
  • 'A set bursting with talent at every level, experts across a wide playing field, strategic and adept.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Joanne Wicks KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘The premier property silk, a real problem solver who can think outside the box and comes up with innovative solutions. She is calm, collected and great with clients. Her advocacy is excellent.'
John McGhee KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘John is a pre-eminent property silk who stands head and shoulders above the rest. One of his key strengths is his experience in complicated property structuring and joint ventures.’
Martin Hutchings KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘If you want calm and measured advice on a real estate litigation matter then Martin  is who you should instruct. He is technically brilliant but also so great at teasing out the arguments in court to bring the judge around to his way of thinking.’
Tiffany Scott KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tiffany is an excellent advocate, her written advice is thorough and considered, she always looks at matters from every angle, ensuring that her clients are fully-prepared and there are no nasty surprises.  She is one of the best silks at the Bar.’
Jonathan Davey KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Jonathan has an impressive knowledge of a large number of different areas of law which he seems to easily draw on when advising and drafting. He is incredibly thorough in all aspects of his work.'
Zoë Barton KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘A first-rate silk who can off-balance the most established of opponents. A triple threat combining fine strategic thinking, no-nonsense effective advocacy and rolled-up sleeves collaboration with instructing solicitors.’
Julian Greenhill KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Julian is an intelligent and very experienced and thorough KC who is easy to work with,  excellent with clients and able to grasp complex issues quickly and efficiently. His written work is always comprehensive and well thought through and his advocacy is excellent.'
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
  ‘Superb advocate. Lucid, persuasive and focused. Commands the court room and is not afraid to fight his corner against the judge and his opponents.’


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Emer Murphy
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Emer is technical and sharp in her subject matter, very responsive and easy to work with. She is robust and solutions orientated and not fazed when faced with aggressive litigation tactics. When working with Emer you know you’re in safe hands.’
Benjamin Faulkner
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Ben is truly phenomenal. Technically brilliant and a superb advocate. Ben is very much part of the team, he consistently goes above and beyond and is always a total pleasure to deal with.'
Jonathan Chew
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan is simply top-drawer. His highly analytical in approach and asks all the right questions. He is determined to solve even the most knotty of problems and clients value his robust but rounded commercial advice.'
Tom Roscoe
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tom is action-orientated and decisive. He gets stuff done. He likes the rough and tumble of court and is an effective and enthusiastic advocate. Tom is excellent on complex site-recovery issues.'
Alice Hawker
Wilberforce Chambers
  ‘Alice is very good with clients. She has good attention to detail and is extremely knowledgeable, which gives clients confidence and peace of mind. She produces very good written advice and pleadings.’