Jon Lang – IPOS Mediation
A former disputes partner at White & Case LLP, Jon Lang at IPOS Mediation ‘gets to the crux of a case really quickly, while keeping the parties focused on the economics of the dispute (rather than letting them get bogged down in the legal arguments)’. Mediating regularly since 2001, and full-time since 2005, Lang is routinely appointed in matters involving parties from different jurisdictions, including the US, Middle East, Australia, and throughout Europe. He mediates across the gamut of commercial matters, including professional negligence, property, insolvency, procurement and banking, as well as partnership, shareholder, aviation, and trust and probate disputes. A former chair of the IBA’s Mediation Committee, Lang mediates between 80 and 90 cases each year.
Legal 500 Editorial commentary
Jon Lang is one of the most sought-after commercial mediators in the UK. He became a full-time mediator in May 2005, having spent almost 20 years as a solicitor in private practice, the last six as a partner in the disputes group of White & Case. A calm and measured approach, combined with wide-ranging experience at all levels of the judicial system and across a variety of industry sectors, has earned him a reputation as one of the UK’s most experienced mediators. Jon has been listed in the first tier of mediator rankings of both the Chambers & Partners and Legal 500 directories for a number of years and in The International Who’s Who of commercial mediators.
Whilst in private practice, Jon acted for clients at all levels of the judicial system, in domestic and international arbitration and mediation. He has represented clients from a wide variety of industry sectors, from aviation to underwriting and in most types of commercial dispute, from shareholder actions to professional negligence. Whilst in-house counsel at LIFFE, Jon advised on matters relevant to the then financial services regulatory regime. Jon represented clients in a number of reported cases. Jon is now instructed in a wide variety of disputes both in the UK and overseas from multi-party international trade cases involving proceedings in various jurisdictions to cases involving multiple and diverse claims between members of partnerships.
Jon has acted as an expert in mediation and is a panel member of the Court of Appeal mediation scheme. He is a former Chair of the Mediation Committee of the International Bar Association, a former Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association’s International Mediation Committee and a member of CPR’s Panel of Distinguished Neutrals. Jon is also the author of the book, ‘A Practical Guide to Mediation in Intellectual Property, Technology & Related Disputes’ published by Sweet & Maxwell in 2006.
May 2005 to date: Independent Commercial Mediator
1999 to May 2005: Partner, White & Case
1996-99: Partner, Llewelyn Zeitman
1988-96: Solicitor, McKenna & Co
1987-88: In-house counsel, London International Financial Futures Exchange, LIFFE
1986-87: Solicitor, Elborne Mitchell
1986-87: Solicitor, Elborne Mitchell
Content supplied by IPOS Mediation