Hailed by clients as ‘one of the strongest public law teams in the UK’, Bindmans LLP has a long-established reputation for expertise in traditional claimant, commercial, regulatory, and defendant work, with particular strength in the health and social care, housing, and political sectors. Practice head John Halford is a renowned public law specialist and represents a diverse range of clients, encompassing individuals, campaign groups, regulators, commercial companies and other public sector entities. Karen May’s practice focuses heavily on education and community care judicial review cases, and she regularly appears before the High Court and Court of Appeal. Shirin Marker’s practice has a particular focus on challenges related to immigration rights and national security, while associate Emma Varley specialises in challenging decisions by local authorities, schools and health bodies.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'One of the strongest public law teams in the UK. Widely respected.'

  • ‘High quality public law cases, including lots of variety.’

  • 'The leading public law firm in London - strong team, involved in all of the key cases.'

  • ‘I have particularly noticed Shirin Marker, who is highly efficient and a pleasure to work with.’

  • ‘Top-notch public law and human rights team. Fantastic client relations.’

  • ‘Shirin Marker is first rate, great with clients and counsel, and extremely pragmatic.’

  • ‘Bindmans have a very strong reputation in this area.’

  • ‘A fantastic team of bright, diligent and creative lawyers who always put every possible effort into achieving positive outcomes for clients.’

Key clients

  • Jean Eveleigh and others
  • Women Against State Pension Inequality (‘WASPI’)
  • Helen Timson
  • Law Society of England and Wales
  • Age-disputed children
  • World Uyghur Conference
  • National Union of Journalists
  • Sian Berry and Open Rights Group
  • Mwatana for Human Rights
  • British Standards Institute
  • Government of the British Virgin Islands
  • Good Law Project: Bunzl Health Care challenge

Work highlights

  • Acted for WASPI in judicial review proceedings challenging the outcome of the PHSO’s investigation into maladministration by the Department for Work and Pensions in its communication of changes to the state pension age for women born in the 1950s.
  • Acting for the Law Society in challenging the UK Government's decision to ignore the recommendation from the Independent Review of Legal Aid led by Sir Christopher Bellamy, recommending a 15% increase in funding for solicitors’ work as the minimum necessary to sustain the system.
  • Representing young people who have been age disputed by the Home Office and/or local authorities.


Hall of Fame
The lawyers at the very top of the profession, widely known and respected by peers and clients for their longstanding involvement in market-leading work.
Hall of fameBindmans LLP
Partner and Head of Public Law and Human Rights department. John Halford is a public law specialist. As a litigator, he has focused on judicial review work since 1993, challenging the unfair exercise and abuse of power by public authorities, human rights breaches and discrimination. John represents individuals, campaign and action groups, unions, charities, schools, professional associations and regulators, arts organisations and commercial companies – not only as judicial review claimants but also as interested parties and interveners in cases brought by others that affect their interests, or those of people they represent. He has had a number of notable successes in high profile test cases in the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords and the UK Supreme Court, most recently in the Article 50 litigation, where he represented a group of interested parties. He has European Court of Human Rights experience at Grand Chamber level. John is also a source of decisive and trusted advice on a wide range of complex public law issues. His advisory caseload spans Brexit and other EU law issues, regulatory and licensing, professional disciplinary, procurement, planning, pensions and human rights law matters.
Leading associates
Rising stars with regular involvement in their team's key work, and recognition from peers or clients as being ones to watch.
Bindmans LLP
Associate, Public Law and Human Rights. Emma specialises in judicial review challenges to decisions of public bodies, including decisions by local authorities, schools and health bodies. Emma has a particular interest in Education Law matters, including judicial reviews in the High Court as well as disputes in the Tribunal involving special educational needs. Emma also represents clients in community care cases and in welfare disputes in the Court of Protection.
Bindmans LLP
Solicitor, Public Law and Human Rights team. Shirin represents clients in a wide range of public and international law matters, with a particular interest in challenges relating to migrant rights, national security and data protection. Shirin is experienced in bringing judicial review and civil claims against the state on a range of domestic and international law matters. She represents victims of trafficking, false imprisonment, arbitrary detention, torture and extraordinary rendition. She also specialises in bringing appeals before the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), on behalf of individuals deprived of their British citizenship. She has participated in roundtable meetings in relation to Syrian returnees and in 2023, provided written evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee Inquiry on the State Handling of Hostage Situations. Shirin also regularly challenges decisions by the police and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) concerning disclosure of information, police record deletion requests, appeals before the Information Tribunal and civil claims for data protection breaches. She is a Trustee of PBI International (UK).  
Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.
Bindmans LLP
Partner and Head of Education Law. Karen mainly acts for individuals although has also had experience of acting for local authorities and schools. Her specialism is judicial review cases, with a particular focus upon education law and community care law judicial reviews. Karen has acted in many leading education law judicial review cases in the High Court and Court of Appeal, concerning vulnerable children. Instructions are also regularly received from parents of children attending independent schools. These instructions often relate to safeguarding and exclusion matters within the independent sector. Karen’s main focus is acting for vulnerable children and adults. This work has seen her acting for a number of families in relation to special educational needs issues during childhood right through to Court of Protection matters in adulthood. It has also seen her acting in challenges against a wide variety of public bodies in addition to local authorities, such as CCGs and Chief Constables. Karen has also acted in a number of cases concerning breaches under the Human Rights Act 1998 and discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. She has secured favourable financial settlements for clients in a number of these cases. Karen has also recently acted in a case against a police force concerning breaches under the Human Rights Act 1998 in a claim for damages connected with information on an Enhanced DBS Certificate. She has experience of representing a number of clients in relation to what appears on their Enhanced DBS Certificates. As well as providing representation in relation to higher court cases, Karen regularly represents clients in relation to SEN Tribunal cases, admission appeals and exclusion appeals. She is also regularly instructed in relation to disputes about school transport which is a particularly difficult area with a number of public sectors cuts to transport budgets. Karen’s interest in transport cases stems from acting for the claimant in October 2000. Since that time, she has helped many parents secure suitable transport arrangements for children with special educational needs.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

John Halford

Other key lawyers

Caroline Robinson, Jessie Brennan, Karen May, Anna Thwaites, Shirin Marker, Emma Varley, Alice Hardy