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HBN Law & Tax‘s arbitration team is led out of The Hague by Stan Putter and Chris de Bres and is supported by the firm’s base in the Dutch Caribbean. Putter is an arbitrator for a number of institutions and is an expert in international arbitration, advising clients from the Netherlands, UK, US, Europe and the Caribbean. He often handles arbitration-related injunction and asset-tracing and recovery matters in global enforcement proceedings and has acted both for and against sovereigns and state-owned entities.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The firm has strength and depth in dispute resolution throughout the Dutch-speaking world. ’

  • ‘Stan Putter is in my view one of the pre-eminent practitioners in the Netherlands. Respected by all, feared by his opponents and outranked by none.’

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Key clients

  • Curaçao
  • Refineria di Korsou
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Work highlights

  • Represented Curaçao and Refineria di Korsou in ICDR and ICC arbitrations and various related injunction (court) proceedings across Curaçao, the Netherlands and New York.
  • Represented Telem Telecom in an ICC arbitration relating to a telecom infrastructure project against an Israeli contractor, and subsequent setting aside proceedings, enforcement and injunction proceedings.
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