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The litigation arm of Baxel Consultores‘ dispute litigation practice complements the firm’s arbitration work; the practice is experienced in both enforcing and annulling arbitration awards, with ongoing work including representing a client in a claim to enforce an arbitration award. Juan Chang Tokushima leads the practice and regularly assists oil and gas clients in litigation, while colleagues Raffo Velasquez Melendez and Mario Drago Alfaro are experienced in civil and commercial litigation and the application of behavioural economics in litigation, respectively.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Jockey Club del Peru
  • Sinohydro Corporation Limited
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Work highlights

  • Represented the Jockey Club of Peru in a process against the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima concerning the execution of arbitration awards.
  • Represented Empresa Electricidad del Perú - Electroperu in an award annulment process.
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