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The practice at Rebaza, Alcázar & De Las Casas is noted for its 'commitment to the client, values, transparency and outstanding technical capabilities'; it is jointly headed by Augusto Loli Carrillo and Hector Gadea Benavides, who lead a team of five associates. Loli is experienced in both domestic and international criminal cases, as well as internal investigations for clients from a range of sectors. Gadea, in addition to similar experience in internal investigations, is also skilled in developing and implementing crime prevention models for clients. Recent work for the practice includes assisting a representative in attempting to dismiss claims of crimes of aggravated collusion or incompatible negotiation, and representing a client in relation to a criminal fraud investigation case filed against it. Senior associates Sergio Mattos, Camilo Clavijo and Pamela Morales, along with intermediate Flavio Puchuri, are also key contacts for white-collar crime and compliance matters. Since publication, Mattos has been raised to the partnership - effective as of January 2024.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Highly knowledgeable professionals in the field.’

  • ‘Very attentive and always willing to help.’

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Key clients

  • Intercorp Group
  • Credicorp
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Work highlights

  • Represented a high-profile individual in the context of a criminal investigation for money laundering charges.
  • Provided legal counsel to EDPYME Acceso Crediticio's general managers  in the context of an investigation against them for the alleged commission of aggravated theft, forgery and use of false documents.
Abbreviated data is displayed for this firm.