Rafael Corzo heads the insurance practice at Miranda & Amado and combines his expertise in banking and insurance to assist clients such as RIMAC Seguros y Reaseguros and Fondo de Seguro de Depósito del Perú. The practice continues to be very active in the domestic market and advises clients on issues such as structuring insurance products, regulatory matters, complex disputes, and often assists banks in bancassurance-related matters. The practice’s work often sees it working closely with other practice groups within the firm, such as banking and finance, M&A, energy, tax and dispute resolution. Counsel Eduardo Wiese and associate Pablo Cassinelli are also recommended.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'It is an experienced team and very committed to obtaining favourable results for its clients.'
  • ‘During the interaction that I have had with them, they have shown to be meticulous and responsible with the task entrusted. Likewise, it has considered it opportune to resort to external opinions to strengthen its position.’
  • ‘I have had a very pleasant impression of Rafael Corzo, quite focused and analytical, open to new ideas to achieve the best position for his clients.’

  • 'They have strong knowledge of insurance practice in Peru, especially Rafael Corzo.'

Key clients

  • RIMAC Seguros y Reaseguros
  • Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies
  • Pacífico Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros
  • AVLA Perú Compañía de Seguros
  • Fondo de Seguro de Depósito del Perú
  • Intercorp Financial Services and Interseguro Compañía de Seguros
  • Citizens Inc.
  • Gas Natural de Lima y Callao

Work highlights

  • Advised RIMAC Seguros y Reaseguros on vital issues related to the coverage of major vehicle accidents and its impact upon the client’s reputation.
  • Advised AVLA Perú Compañía de Seguros on the review of drafts issued by the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance Companies.
  • Advised the Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies - APESEG on the filing of an action against a regulation related to fines imposed by INDECOPI.


Leading partners
The strongest partners in their field, leading on market-leading deals and endorsed by peers and clients alike.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Rafael Corzo