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EY Peru’s employment and labour practice assists clients with collective bargaining, compensation and social security planning, personnel movement, and employee termination programmes. José Ignacio Castro is experienced in assisting clients with labour audits and court proceedings, while Mauro Ugaz is particularly adept at advising clients on the application of labour standards. Miguel Rubio Ayllon is a key contact for remuneration issues, while Valeria Galindo Valer advises clients on international mobility programmes. Mauricio Matos Zegarra is a key contact for social security and tax issues, and Jaime Cuzquen specialises in labour inspections and occupational health and safety matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The difference that EY makes is that it has a more corporate and versatile approach to the practice of employment law. It does not have that classic one-dimensional perspective regarding what the law indicates, but instead analyses the unique reality of your business, and based on that analysis is that it gives you the best legal recommendation, always proposing creative solutions within the framework of the law.’

  • ‘Jose Ignacio Castro is unique when it comes to providing creative legal solutions, putting a lot of focus on the impact that his recommendation can have on the business cost. It permanently seeks to accompany your business plan, always within the framework of the law. It never remains satisfied with what seems to be legally "defined", it always seeks to generate other, legally valid approaches that are favourable to its clients. And it does!’

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Key clients

  • Pluspetrol PeruCorporation
  • Lima Expresa
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Work highlights

  • Designed and successfully executed the strategy of a client's reorganisation, including cessation of industrial activity and termination of labour relationships.
  • Represented a client in a constitutional proceeding against the Ministry of Labor regarding a supreme decree prohibiting the outsourcing of the core business services.
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