The energy and TMT sectors are core areas of strength for the international dispute resolution practice at Squire Patton Boggs Krześniak sp.k., and it is also active in the insurance, corporate, real estate and financial services industries. The group is additionally notable in the arbitration space, handling local and international proceedings that can encompasses both commercial and investor-treaty cases. The practice is jointly led by notable litigator Eligiusz Krześniak and managing partner and experienced arbitrator Elżbieta Żemojtel.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Dalekovod
  • ACCIONA Energy
  • Mosty Capital Group
  • Generali Poland
  • Kalemegdan Investments Limited

Work highlights

  • Representing Generali Poland, as an insurer of a European manufacturer of certain food and beverage types, in a product safety case against one of its ingredients providers.
  • Representing ACCIONA Energy Poland in a dispute with a major Polish state-controlled energy operator regarding its attempt to terminate a long-term energy off-take agreement and compensation for the off-taker’s failure to perform.
  • Representing Dalekovod, a Croatian electrical engineering company, in a dispute with major electricity providers in Poland concerning the realisation of infrastructure investments on the energy network, including issues relating to contractual penalties and contract termination effectiveness.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Eligiusz Krześniak, Elżbieta Żemojtel

Other key lawyers

Justyna Dereszyńska, Paweł Bukiel