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The real estate team at Miranda & Associados assists investors, developers and private clients with complex transactions in Portugal and other Lusophone jurisdictions. Rita Lufinha Borges and Luís Borges Rodrigues lead a team that leverages its ‘excellent knowledge’ across a broad spectrum of transactional and development matters in the energy, industrial, tourism, commercial, and residential property sectors. Borges is noted for her work in the renewables market, while Rodrigues has extensive experience in the hospitality sector, working with a wide range of stakeholders.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The team is small but highly responsive. They have excellent knowledge of real estate law and finance.'
  • ‘Rita Lufinha Borges is very knowledgeable and responsive.’
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Key clients

  • Madoqua Power2X and MadoquaNH3
  • Madoqua Renewables Holding
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Work highlights

  • Assisting Madoqua Power2X, S.A and MadoquaNH3, S.A. with the acquisition of surface rights of 60 hectares of land located in a large industrial park.
  • Assisting Madoqua Renewables Holding, Lda. with the negotiation and execution of various leases relating to the implementation of solar and wind energy projects.
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