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Dani Kabbani, Steven Henderson and Ashley Halewood co-lead the projects, energy and construction practice at Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP, advising clients on a diverse spectrum of project types, contracts and contentious matters. The team demonstrates notable aptitude in PPP-related works, alongside international arbitration in the construction sector, often involving commercial entitlement disputes over several jurisdictions. It advises both private firms and government agencies, and has a particularly strong relationship with the latter in the structuring and delivering of projects, including public infrastructure. Alexander Whyatt lends to the team his litigation and dispute management expertise, and is assisted by the considerable dispute experience of Omid Mousavi.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Eversheds knows the Qatari legal landscape very well. They are involved in various major transactions and also get involved in drafting of legislation. This gives them a key insight into how such laws are applied.'
  • 'Dani Kabbani is highly recommended for his knowledge and insight into the market.'
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Key clients

  • Qatar General Electricity and Water Co (Kahramaa)
  • Qatargas
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