Lincoln House Chambers is praised as ‘a stellar set’ and the regulatory team offers a wide range of expertise across both prosecution and defence work in Environment Agency, Trading Standards, and DEFRA cases. Lee Hughes also has strong expertise in health and safety matters, and he acted for the prosecution in HSE v Gateshead Cheder School, in which an Orthodox Jewish school was fined £30,000 following a dangerous mountain hike that endangered the lives of 13 boys. Simon Gurney is instructed to prosecute two paramedics accused of gross negligence manslaughter following the death of a vulnerable patient in their care, who was run over by the third defendant taxi driver whilst she was lying on a public highway. Richard Dawson is notable for his transport expertise. David Pojur joined the set in September 2023.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The clerks' room is faultlessly run by David Wright, who is professional and courteous in all his dealings with instructing solicitors. He sees the bigger picture and is on top of all the detail in terms of his counsels' respective practices.'
  • 'David Wright continues to lead from the front. He is not only very friendly and engaging, but is also acutely aware of the expectations of instructing solicitors and responds accordingly.'
  • 'Ty Price is fast becoming one of the leading criminal and regulatory clerks in the North West. He knows his barristers inside out and is always looking for new ways to add value to Chambers' offering through the provision of relevant training and products.'
  • 'Andy McGuiness is a solid pair of hands and a go-to clerk, especially for last minute emergency hearings. He is calm, resourceful, and a genuinely nice person to deal with.'
  • 'David Wright is known for his dedication and Rolls Royce service. He brings with him a calmness to any situation and always finds a solution.'
  • 'The clerking is very good. Andy McGuiness and David Gibbons are stand-outs in what is an excellent clerking team.'
  • 'David Wright leads by example and is the first port of call for the most serious matters, Ty Price is an exceptional clerk with great people skills, and Andy McGuiness is one of the nicest and most hardworking clerks and he is a credit to chambers.'
  • 'David Wright is a stand-out clerk who is thoroughly personable and has the uncanny knack of always putting the right barrister on the right job. He steers the ship exceptionally well and drives the team to achieve excellence on a daily basis. He confronts issues head on and always deals with them in a professional manner.'
  • 'Lincoln House Chambers is a stellar set. They have an extensive pool of highly experienced and talented counsel to choose from, and Chambers have kindly presented a number of sessions on health and safety and public inquiries.'
  • 'Lincoln House is a northern powerhouse for business crime and regulatory matters. They have quality counsel who will go the extra mile for solicitors and their lay clients alike.'
  • 'Lincoln House is a fantastic set of Chambers. They are a large set who are always instructed on the most significant cases in the country. They have huge strength in depth and when substitute counsel have to appear, they are always thoroughly prepared.'
  • 'An excellent set with excellent client care. Lincoln House set the bar for other chambers to aspire to.'
  • 'Lincoln House offers a variety of barristers of differing experience, but all of whom you know you can rely on to be excellent advocates. The calibre of barristers is very high.'



Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Lincoln House Chambers
 'Austin is an excellent advocate. He has an authoritative presence in the courtroom and emits gravitas, he presents clear and well-reasoned arguments with ease, and he is an outstanding strategist and highly respected by clients and peers.'
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Simon is one of the best barristers around and a joy to work with. He is highly sought-after due to his immense intellect and amazing client care skills, he is a real stand-out performer, and he is extremely hard working with excellent written work.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Lee is a really diligent barrister and his preparation is second-to-none. He is very clear and concise in his advice to clients, he is very amiable and easily wins trust from clients, and in court, he is a precise, persuasive, and effective advocate.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Richard’s regulatory specialism focusses on transport law and it is an area where he is developing a national reputation as being a leading expert. He regularly appears before the Traffic Commissioner where he represents haulage companies, transport managers, and drivers, and his success rate is outstanding.’
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Lincoln House Chambers
 'Austin is an excellent advocate. He has an authoritative presence in the courtroom and emits gravitas, he presents clear and well-reasoned arguments with ease, and he is an outstanding strategist and highly respected by clients and peers.'
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Simon is one of the best barristers around and a joy to work with. He is highly sought-after due to his immense intellect and amazing client care skills, he is a real stand-out performer, and he is extremely hard working with excellent written work.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Lee is a really diligent barrister and his preparation is second-to-none. He is very clear and concise in his advice to clients, he is very amiable and easily wins trust from clients, and in court, he is a precise, persuasive, and effective advocate.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Richard’s regulatory specialism focusses on transport law and it is an area where he is developing a national reputation as being a leading expert. He regularly appears before the Traffic Commissioner where he represents haulage companies, transport managers, and drivers, and his success rate is outstanding.’