Lincoln House Chambers is praised as ‘a stellar set’ with ’an extensive pool of highly experienced and talented counsel to choose from’. Its members are instructed by a range of interested parties, from government and professional bodies, to insurance-backed solicitor firms. The set houses Kate Blackwell KC, who appears in high-profile public inquiries alongside her criminal practice. It is also home to Austin Welch, who has a strong focus on inquests and public inquiries concerning health and safety issues, and he represents companies and individuals. Welch has been instructed in the UK Covid Inquiry for the Health and Safety Executive. The junior end of the set was recently bolstered by the arrival of David Pojur in September 2023.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • Set 
  • 'Lincoln House Chambers is a top-tier, reliable, and strong set of chambers. You have peace of mind instructing any barrister from this set, knowing they are experienced and diligent.'
  • 'Lincoln House Chambers has a breadth of excellent regulatory counsel with a vast range of experiences; it has long been established as a go-to set.'
  • 'Lincoln House Chambers is a stellar set. They have an extensive pool of highly experienced and talented counsel to choose from.'
  • 'A shining example of how to get things right in the North of England for public inquiries and inquests.'
  • 'Lincoln House Chambers remains at the top of its game in Manchester; a go-to set.'
  • Clerking
  • 'Director of Clerking David Wright is fantastic, and Ty Price is highly responsive.'
  • 'The service from all at Lincoln House Chambers is excellent. David Wright has a calm, experienced and no fuss approach. Both David and Ty Price are approachable and no issue is too big for them to solve.'
  • 'The clerks are very helpful. David Wright is brilliant; nothing is too much trouble and he is always prompt when responding to new enquiries and arranging alternative counsel if a named individual is not available.'
  • 'The head clerk, David Wright, has always gone out of his way to be supportive, and nothing is too much trouble and that stands him and the chambers in excellent stead.'
  • 'David Wright is a stalwart who is a pleasure to work with. Hardworking and responsive, he anticipates your every need.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Lincoln House Chambers
 ‘Kate is a tenacious advocate who does not hold back from difficult questions, has a measured manner, and is always thinking ahead. She is all over the detail and is great at leading a team.'


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Austin is an excellent advocate and an outstanding strategist with an authoritative presence in the court room, and he emits gravitas. He presents clear and well-reasoned arguments with ease, and he is one of the best senior juniors in the field of health and safety, inquests, and public inquiries.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Leila’s written advice is comprehensive yet succinct, and written in a way that is accessible to both lay and professional clients. She has a commanding court room presence and is clear in her oral argument and submissions; one of the go-to counsel for inquests operating on the Northern Circuit.’
Lincoln House Chambers
'David is an exceptional advocate who also provides timely written advice that is logical and thorough. He is extremely well trusted and his expertise is faultless.'
Lincoln House Chambers
 'Lee is experienced beyond his years. He has a keen eye for detail, an approachable nature, and his experience as a former solicitor enables him to fully understand what an instructing solicitor needs from counsel.'
Leading Juniors
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Austin is an excellent advocate and an outstanding strategist with an authoritative presence in the court room, and he emits gravitas. He presents clear and well-reasoned arguments with ease, and he is one of the best senior juniors in the field of health and safety, inquests, and public inquiries.’
Lincoln House Chambers
‘Leila’s written advice is comprehensive yet succinct, and written in a way that is accessible to both lay and professional clients. She has a commanding court room presence and is clear in her oral argument and submissions; one of the go-to counsel for inquests operating on the Northern Circuit.’
Lincoln House Chambers
'David is an exceptional advocate who also provides timely written advice that is logical and thorough. He is extremely well trusted and his expertise is faultless.'
Lincoln House Chambers
 'Lee is experienced beyond his years. He has a keen eye for detail, an approachable nature, and his experience as a former solicitor enables him to fully understand what an instructing solicitor needs from counsel.'