Drystone Chambers is ‘a very good set with a variety of strong barristers’ that handles the full spectrum of criminal law matters, including homicide, armed robbery, gang crime, and sexual offences. Karim Khalil KC specialises in gross negligence manslaughter cases and recently secured acquittal of a pilot after a RIB collided with a buoy in the Solent, killing a passenger. Allison Summers KC is known for ’her meticulous case preparation and attention to detail’ and is currently acting for a defendant in a joint enterprise murder case after a stabbing in Sudbury. William Carter defended a senior solicitor who defrauded his firm's client account of £2m after falling victim to an advance fee fraud. Lynne Shirley is praised for ‘her fine detail in preparing cases and drafting statements’, while Claire Matthews has extensive experience of acting for both defence and prosecution in criminal cases - she prosecuted alone in a case of a defendant who pleaded guilty the day before trial to human trafficking, brothel-keeping and money laundering offences.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
- 'Steve McCarthy is the best clerk.'
- 'Steve McCarthy is extremely helpful and approachable, as is David Cox. The clerks' room is excellent on the whole. They are always willing to help and assist clients.'
- 'Ryan Bartlett is excellent and always willing to help.'
- 'Drystone Chambers is a go-to set. They provide a first-class service.'
- 'Drystone Chambers is the go-to when it comes to instructing counsel.'
- 'Drystone Chambers is an excellent set of chambers producing advocates of a consistently high standard.'
- 'Drystone Chambers is a very well-regarded set which does serious and organised criminal work.'