Popovici Nitu Stoica & Asociatii‘s energy and natural resources team handles regulatory, M&A, disputes and competition matters across the energy sector, with particular strength in nuclear projects. Disputes with regulatory bodies are an area in which the team has notable experience, bringing together the firm’s litigation and compliance teams. Florian Nițu and Vlad Neacșu co-head the team. Nitu offers particular strength in renewables projects, while Neacşu, who also heads the firm’s employment practice, has broad experience across the energy sector. Ciprian Donțu is a key contact for energy sector disputes.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Enel Group
  • Hidroconstructia & Hidroelectrica
  • Electricite de France (EDF)
  • Schlumberger Logelco
  • Property Fund
  • Franklin Templeton Investment Management
  • Ansaldo Nucleare
  • Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited
  • VGP
  • Electrica
  • Axpo Group
  • Azomures

Work highlights

  • Assisted Fondul Proprietatea in all litigation initiated against the Romanian State's and ANRE's decisions to re-establish the regulated market for the energy supplied to household consumers.
  • Assisted Axpo Solutions AG on the conclusion of a long-term financial power purchase agreement (PPA) for an onshore windfarm with Macquarie.
  • Represented Enel Romania in several disputes against the National Energy Regulatory Authority aiming at cancelling the legal tariffs set by the authority.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Florian Nitu, Vlad Neacşu

Other key lawyers

Ciprian Dontu