The public projects and public-private partnership team at Bancila, Diaconu si Asociatii SPRL fields a growing team of sector-experienced practitioners, with notable work this year for the European Investment Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. As a member of the EY Law network the team has an international reach. Andrei Ștefanovici and Andra Iftemie co-lead the team, which is ‘particularly experienced in terms of state aid notifications and requirements’.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The team provided an excellent local legal support to our nuclear energy project in Romania, particularly experienced in terms of state aid notifications and requirements.’

  • ‘We have worked with Andra Iftemie and her team on this project. The interactions were excellent and efficient. ’

  • ‘What made the procurement practice stand out was the combination of expertise in the practice field, thorough approach for each particular aspect of the project and remarkable collaboration culture. ’

  • ‘Working alongside BDA team provided the occasion to observe the professional and personal qualities of the team members. They displayed a great capacity of understanding complex legal constructions and were able to provide clear and straightforward effective solutions for complex issues.'

  • ‘BDA is the type of consultant with which it is always a pleasure to work with. Outstanding combination of expertise, collaborative approach and dedication. The team is able to perform various tasks on different topics, topics with high complexity and sensitivity.’

  • ‘Andrei Stefanovici and Andra Iftemie were part of the core team. Andrei is a great team leader, showing professionalism and dedication to each topic, Andra is focused on results and is extremely analytical, leading the team with determination and always being motivated by new and challenging topics.'

  • 'A standout legal team with specialised expertise and a diverse, client-focused approach. Their clear communication, innovative solutions, and commitment to transparency set them apart. I appreciate their client-centric approach. They've earned my trust and are my go-to choice for legal services.’

  • ‘Working with the team has been an exceptional experience. Their collaborative spirit, adaptability, and ethical values make them a top choice for legal needs.’

Key clients

  • European Investment Bank - National Agency for Public Procurement
  • European Commission - Directorate General for Structural Reform Support and Romanian Court of Accounts
  • Ministry of European Investments and Projects (MEIP) and European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • SN Nuclearelectrica S. A
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Mehedinti County, Romania
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Municipality of Brasov
  • CNTEE Transelectrica S.A.
  • Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, European Commission Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Iasi Municipality, Romania

Work highlights

  • Provided legal assistance to Romanian Court of Accounts and European Commission - Directorate General for Structural Reform Support in relation to structural reforms of the institution on HR and Communication Strategies.
  • Advising EIB and the Ministry of Investment and European Projects on implementing state aid schemes financed from the Just Transition Fund and drafting the Beneficiaries Guides.
  • Providing legal support to the National Agency for Public Procurement and European Investment Bank to create 4 local centralized procurement bodies to ensure successful centralized procurement at the local level.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Andrei Stefanovici, Andra Iftemie