Anderson Strathern maintains a strong profile in the medical negligence space, fielding an ‘excellent’ team with demonstrable strength in high-value, complex cases, including birth injury, fatal claims and surgical injury. Accredited specialist in medical negligence law Robbie Wilson oversees the group; he made partner in September 2022. Catriona Watt is particularly experienced handling birth injuries, while Gary Burton takes point on fatal claims; he was also promoted to partner in 2022. Seasoned litigator and solicitor advocate Robert Carr is another key member of the team.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Robbie Wilson, partner and head of clinical negligence, is a leader in his field. He has outstanding technical knowledge, sound judgment and has a very good manner for dealing with clients.’

  • ‘An excellent team of medical negligence lawyers. Very switched on in this area of work with a breadth of knowledge across the practice area. Led well by Robbie Wilson, who is always one step ahead and incredibly well prepared.’

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Key clients

  • Harper, Robertson & Shannon
  • Martin & Company
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