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Djokic + Partners houses specialists in disputes concerning banking, project financing, derivatives, real estate, IP and media law, as well as employment and white-collar-related conflicts. The disputes department is led by Marina Gligorijevic, an expert in litigation, dispute resolution and white-collar matters; while Djordje Djokic ‘consistently provides innovative solutions to problems’.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The firm provides valuable assistance with resolving issues and disputes that arise from contracts.’
  • ‘Their strengths are efficiency and speed, combined with a high level of accuracy.’
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Key clients

  • Erste Bank ad Novi Sad
  • Immobalcan MS
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Work highlights

  • Assisted IGM Trudbenik with initiating a bankruptcy proceeding-related preliminary procedure.
  • Successfully acted for Bg Reklam in administrative proceedings, which concerned a property rights-related dispute.
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