Acting for both creditors and debtors, Providence Law Asia LLC advises on corporate insolvencies, restructurings and domestic and cross-border bankruptcy mandates. Praised for its ‘strong technical knowledge’, the team regularly handles matters arising out of the financial services, energy and shipping sectors, and regularly acts for insolvency professionals in their capacity as liquidators, judicial managers, financial advisers, restructuring officers, receivers and private trustees. Abraham Vergis SC and Kenny Lau jointly lead the team.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
- 'Strong technical knowledge.'
Key clients
- PDV Marina
- BlackRock, Aress SSG and Madison Pacific Trust Limited
Work highlights
- Advised PDV Marina S.A., a subsidiary of the national oil company of Venezuela, PDV SA.
- Acting for several Liquidators of Hin Leong Trading (Pte) Ltd from Pricewaterhousecoopers and GTP Advisory PAC in the liquidation of HLT.