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Snellman is noted particularly for its experience handling construction disputes for Nordic contractors and companies. The team also has recent experience advising on transactional matters, including green transition matters. Practice head Martin Rifall has considerable experience handling construction disputes for employers and contractors both in court and in arbitration proceedings. Arbitrator and litigator Pontus Ewerlöf is active in the construction industry. Managing associate Johan Wahlund is also a key contact.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The team provided by Snellman in the relevant area works seamlessly with the lawyers in other teams also provided by Snellman. Snellman is extremely responsive to the client's wishes and needs and stands out for their excellent collaboration skills, their solution-oriented way of working and their outstanding ability to familiarise themselves with the client's business and needs.’
  • ‘Martin Rifall is a deeply trusted adviser who is always making himself available, providing clear, insightful and easily understood answers and solutions to even the most complex legal questions. His combination of deep expertise, professionalism, and ability to provide straightforward advice in a calm manner even in stressful and intricate situations distinguishes him from other individuals.'
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Key clients

  • NCC Sverige AB
  • Zurich Insurance plc (Ireland), Swedish branch
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Work highlights

  • Advised SSAB EMEA AB on numerous contracts and projects in relation to SSAB’s green transition to electrically powered steel production.
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