Key clients

  • Unex Bank
  • I&U Group
  • State Enterprise “Elitne Research Farm of Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS”
  • Uman Greenhouse Works

Work highlights

  • Advising I&U Group on the procedure for reservation of the employees of the agro-industrial complex, depending on their positions and military specialties.
  • Advising Adidas (a Ukrainian subsidiary of one of the world's leading sports goods manufacturers) on actions to be taken in case of loss of personnel documents as a result of hostilities, and obtaining a certificate of force majeure.
  • Representation and successful defense of the interests of BISCUIT FACTORY No. 1 LLC in a dispute with the former director regarding the recovery of severance pay in the amount of UAH 6.5 million.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Oleksandra Fedotova, Anna Movchan