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Combining ‘a fierce commercialism and excellent legal skills with a warm, personable and collaborative working style’, Capital Law Limited is a popular choice among clients defending and bringing claims relating to a wide variety of commercial litigation, both in conventional litigation, as well as in an arbitration process. A significant number of these actions are brought under the umbrella of the firm’s own litigation fund, Capital Finance, which has proved to be a vital resource to parties who would otherwise have perhaps lacked the financial means to bring a case. Andrew Brown is noted as an expert on third party funding and as well as setting up the firm’s own fund, is also regularly engaged by other law firms to provide guidance on litigation funding and alternative fee arrangements for their clients. As mindful of risk management and litigation avoidance, as he is at effectively representing the interests of clients in the teeth of litigation, ’very well organised and responsive’ team head Stephen Meade  is a popular choice among both private and public sector clients across a range of litigation, including contentious property matters. Philip Jones  is vastly experienced at handling a myriad corporate disputes, including those within an insolvency setting, and is also a key member of the team alongside up-and-coming partners Guto Llewelyn , who is noted for his debt recovery excellence, and the ‘fiercely commercial’ Lucy Emanuel , who excels in financial services disputes.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘They are exceptional because they combine a fierce commercialism and excellent legal skills with a warm, personable and collaborative working style.'

  • 'They take bold approaches to complex litigation with a confidence in their own assessment, which means that they are willing to enter into conditional fee agreements in cases that other firms might not be prepared to service.'

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Key clients

  • Roadchef (Employee Benefits Trustees Limited)
  • Red Squirrel Consulting Limited
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Work highlights

  • Leading an international team of lawyers advising Cardiff City Football Club in an arbitration concerning FIFA, FA and FAW regulatory regimes and Swiss civil law.
  • Acting for a group of members and former members of an LLP in a claim against its managing partner and other co-conspirators for having unlawfully deprived members of a multimillion-pound stake in the business.
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